Tuesday, 26 March 2013

Point:   The internet have solved more problems then causing them. One such example is that of convince in talking to others, which is social media. 

Evidence:  Social Media is where internet users connect and communicate through various mediums. Examples of these sites are Facebook, twitter and other multiple social networking sites out there. According to CNET, Facebook has 1.06 billion monthly active users. 

Explanation:   Social Networking sites such as Facebook can be used as a communication medium to communicate to others. As internet connection is now common everywhere, thus making communication much easier via text or voice. 

Linkback:    With the current social networking sites, this would improve telecommunication between people, thus showing that the Internet has solved the problem of inconvenient communication.

Monday, 25 March 2013

Essay Topic: Internet has caused more solutions than problems. - Chen Hao Xian

The increased in convenience and availability of internet to everybody has created more solutions than problems especially in the field of spreading political messages, as the ease of spreading mass information has made it more convenient  and efficient for the political party.

As the internet gets more and more convenient and available to individual from all walks of life, more and more political parties aims to use the internet to spread political messages. With a single click of a button, political message could be easy shared on the internet. With popular social networks getting more and more user, political messages such as a change in a certain policy easily made its way to hundreds of thousands of individual, as user tend to share what they deem important. Any intended messages could easily be spread to thousands of individual in a few second, and this has made it an important tool to spread the intended message. However, in minority cases, the convenience and availability of the internet has also made it a popular tool to spread propaganda message, which it is almost impossible to track down given the massiveness of the internet, which if left unchecked could mislead users.

A good example to illustrate the point is the use of Social Media such as Twitter and Facebook, which are a common source of information-sharing site for users. The ease of use and its popularity has in part, contribute much to its ability to spread messages of any kind to anybody. Its open nature also enable anybody to post on it, thus enable it to spread political messages with rapidly and efficiently to individuals.

As such the increasing access to information on the internet is actually more of a boon than a bane. The availability and convenience of internet has made it extremely easy to spread political message that might have a huge impact on the society, allowing every individual to know of this rapidly. Alternatively, political parties could rely on traditional media such as newspaper to spread the political messages.

Sunday, 24 March 2013

Essay Topic: Internet has caused more problems than solutions.

I disagree that the increasing information in the Internet has caused more problems then it has solved. I believe that the increasing information in the Internet has solved more problems than it has caused. One example of a problem solved is convenience and ease of obtaining information.

The number of reports and research papers done by universities and other educational institutes being posted online has increased rapidly. More and more reports are being submitted to websites with the purpose of sharing their work and trying to expand the minds of the general public. This has immensely benefitted students who often need information to complete their school assignments.

One famous but simple website is Wikipedia. This website is currently the website which has the most amount of information in the Internet. It is website whereby netizens can post information that they possess onto the internet. It is true that some of this information is not credible but most of the information are credible and are usually citied at the bottom of the website. With the current trend of the increasing number of devices using the internet it is evident that the obtaining information has taken a new meaning .   

This is one of the reason why I believe that the increasing information in the Internet has solved more problems than it has caused. 

Essay Topic: That increasing access to information on the internet has caused as many problems as it has solved.

The increasing access to information on the internet has created more solutions than problems especially  for governments and other governing bodies, as the convenience of getting information on the internet allows them to easily gain information on the public's views and ideas.

With the development of more powerful communication and sharing tools, more and more individuals have posted their ideas and views online. This is so that they can easily spread and convince people about their ideas. Some individuals also use the internet as a tool to make themselves heard, to allow others to know how they feel. This is evident from the many blogs and personal sharing websites that can be found on the internet. As such, there are many views of people on various issues that can be found on the internet. Some of these views and ideas are substantial and can give governing bodies vital information about the views and ideas of the public. This would allow them to make more informed decisions, taking into consideration these views and ideas. It is true that anyone can post a view or an idea can result in anti-government views or ideas being posted or uploaded. These views and ideas may condemn the government and its policies. However, the condemnation that a government would suffer should die off over time. If the government actively updates and improves its policies, it should maintain a high approval level of the public, negating the effects of these anti-government views. Thus, increasing access to information on the internet has created more solutions than problems for governments and other governing bodies.

A good example to illustrate this point would be discussion or forum boards that can be commonly found on the internet. These discussion or forum boards are web sites in which any member of the public can create an account and post up any views or ideas of their own on any issue. These new posts are called threads. Other members of the public can also add on or oppose these ideas on the same thread, building on the resources that the government can harness to make their policies. Anti-government threads can be created. However there are also often people that dispute these threads, especially if it is clear that the government is constantly improving its policies and makes decisions popular with the people. Thus, these governments can harness the ideas of the public, to create better policies, allowing them to improve their standing with the people and negating the negative side effects of using this technology.

Governments can use the information the public's views provide them to make better policies. This helps the government create a positive image of themselves and stay in power, while the public is satisfied with the policies created and decisions made. Moreover, any anti-government views of the public would be quickly negated through the introduction of newer and better policies, that would cause the public to have a more positive view towards the government. Thus, increasing access to information on the internet has created more solutions than problems for government and governing bodies.

Essay Topic: Internet has caused more solutions than problems. ~ Esther Tiey

The increasing access to information on the internet creates more solutions than problems especially in the entertainment field as it has brought about convenience for the spectators and critics.

The increasing amount of information posted on the internet has revolutionized the entertainment industry. One no longer needs to go to a cinema hall to watch his favorite movie. There are companies offering their services where in movies can just be downloaded or ordered and watch them with a fast internet connection. Likewise music or other important software can be downloaded in a matter of few minutes. There are a number of shareware programs that allows users to share and download their favorite music and videos.

A good example to illustrate this point is the use of Youtube as a source of entertainment and sharing platform for netizens of all ages. The large variety of videos to choose from has made it popular, in part, contributed to the knowledge of netizens. It also has many languages to choose from, allowing people of different cultures and languages to choose a video of their preference.

As such, the increasing access to information on the Internet is actually more of a boon than a bane.

Essay Topic: Internet has caused more problems than solutions.

I disagree that the Internet has caused more problems than it has solved, instead solved more problems than to give more.

Ever since internet was created, it was much more convenient and effective when we needed to find variety of informations. Without internet, many of us would still be going to library just to clarify or obtain informations which is time consuming and troublesome. Books might be reliable information, but there is chance of it being outdated, whereas internet can provide us latest information, as long as the source is reliable. Furthermore, there might be a case when one needs a certain books for information, but it is not available to him or her as it may be rare to find.
Internet also allows us to be connected whenever we want to with our relatives and friends. Social media such as Facebook, Twitter, allow us to be updated about what people are doing. It also connects people from far away, so it allows families whose family member is away to oversea can communicate with each other using social media
Today, we can immediately find out news, update of one's friends or relatives or information with just few clicks. It saves one's time and allow one to be able to do more information searching in short amount of time. Social media also help us to update ourselves with news about celebrities, relatives and friends, creating another way to bond with people, even if they are in different countries.

In conclusion,  I believe although there are some problems caused due to creation of internet, but solved more problems than causing problems.

Essay Topic: Internet has caused more problems than solutions. Comment

The increasing access to information on the internet has created more solutions than problems especially in the field of educational research. The ease of obtaining massive information has made information more easily accessible to individuals like students. The information would help them in their research work or studies for exams.

As more and more educational institutions and individuals, post their materials and findings from researches online for the purpose of sharing and collaborative efforts, the amount of information that could be accessed online by public has become  massive. These are popular amongst students for use in their primary research work thus serving its primary purpose of helping students.

A good example to illustrate this point is the use of Google, a search engine for sources of information and references by students, teachers and professors alike. The wide variety of notes, solutions and other research works found that can be found in the search engine inevitably made it the most popular search engine over the years. The varied notes online will definitely help out the students as many research work often had citations to a variety of Internet URL addresses, proving how the Internet has helped them in many areas.

As such, the increasing access to information on the internet allows the internet to have more of pros than cons. With such a big library of accessible knowledge available, its like a heaven for people who are constantly on the quest for knowledge - students. With such a big haven of information, students are able to get what they need for their research works, and extra knowledge for their own to prepare them for the future.

Essay Topic: Internet has caused more problems than solutions. Comment

I do not agree that the Internet has caused more problems than it has solved but in fact, it has solved more problems than it has caused. 

One example of a problem that it has solved is the trouble and hassle of searching for information. In the past, when the Internet was still not created, in order to do research and search for information, the most common way of going about it was to go to the library to find resources. By travelling to the library, that itself takes time, not to mention the amount of time spent going through the hundreds of shelves, looking from row to row, finding the right book for use. Not only was searching for books in shelves tedious, after finding the books, not all information in books were relevant.

Thus, the reader would have to filter the information in the book and find those that were relevant the topic being researched on. Now, thanks to the internet, you just have to go on a web browser and go to a search engine to answer your enquires. Just by typing in a general word or a specific statement, answers from all over the internet would be listed on the search engine, waiting to be read by you. 

Thus, I believe that the internet has solved more problems than it has caused.

More Solutions Than Problems Created By Internet Access

The increased access to information on the internet has indeed created many problems and solutions be it in education, research or business.A noteworthy area where there are more solutions than problems would be research. The increased access to resources and information on the internet has helped many students in the search for their research works or studies.

With an increased access to information on the internet, one gains tremendous amounts of information. With the resources that are available from various sites have a huge outreach due to the ease of accessibility of them. This in turn helps solve many problems due to the fact that almost anyone is allow access to the helpful resources that are located on the internet.

There are many means of searching for information on the internet. Search engines have helped make the access to information so much easier. For example, Google, a well-known and well used search engine, has specific ways it can locate information. There is even a function where it can limit the search to academic papers, to ensure the reliability and accuracy of the information provided. This helps many students find the resources to base their research and studies on and shows how much the increased access to the internet has helped.

Even so, the increased access to the internet does have its negative points, but i believe that its benefits and solutions greatly outweigh them. This increased access, in the hands of the different people, has the chance of being abused. I think that it is just a small minority that does such things which leads me to believe that the increased access to th internet has brought more solutions than problems.

PEEL Paragraph: More Solutions Than Problems Created By Internet Access


The sharp increase in internet access over the last fifteen years has solved more problems than it has created, especially in the international scientific community. The internet has allowed scientists and researchers worldwide to network, share their findings and even collaborate remotely instead of physically. It has made it possible for the aforementioned individuals to access information any time, anywhere, for almost no cost. This means that, in this day and age, scientists and researchers can enhance their projects, experiments and research by using existing data.


These days, many educational institutions, as well as individuals and research organizations, are posting their findings and experimental results online. Many of these publications are available free of charge, and some are even "open source" - i.e., they can be cited and distributed freely. Publications available on the public domain are popular with students, as well as with scientists and researchers, and many are accurate and comprehensive. Collaborative efforts, executed through the use of modern collaboration and networking technologies such as Skype and LinkedIn, have also yielded scientific findings.


One example of the aforementioned is the Open Courseware Consortium, which publishes materials from its partner universities online, free of charge. This program enables students and professionals worldwide to access high-quality publications remotely and instantly. Another example of the ubiquity of scientific data online is the immensely-popular internet search engine, Google, through which individuals can easily find online publications pertaining to a wide range of disciplines.


In conclusion, increasing Internet access has solved more problems than it has created, in my opinion. It has enabled a new generation of scientists and researchers, as well as students, to enhance their projects and research.