Sunday, 24 March 2013

Essay Topic: Internet has caused more problems than solutions.

I disagree that the increasing information in the Internet has caused more problems then it has solved. I believe that the increasing information in the Internet has solved more problems than it has caused. One example of a problem solved is convenience and ease of obtaining information.

The number of reports and research papers done by universities and other educational institutes being posted online has increased rapidly. More and more reports are being submitted to websites with the purpose of sharing their work and trying to expand the minds of the general public. This has immensely benefitted students who often need information to complete their school assignments.

One famous but simple website is Wikipedia. This website is currently the website which has the most amount of information in the Internet. It is website whereby netizens can post information that they possess onto the internet. It is true that some of this information is not credible but most of the information are credible and are usually citied at the bottom of the website. With the current trend of the increasing number of devices using the internet it is evident that the obtaining information has taken a new meaning .   

This is one of the reason why I believe that the increasing information in the Internet has solved more problems than it has caused. 

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