Sunday, 24 March 2013

PEEL Paragraph: More Solutions Than Problems Created By Internet Access


The sharp increase in internet access over the last fifteen years has solved more problems than it has created, especially in the international scientific community. The internet has allowed scientists and researchers worldwide to network, share their findings and even collaborate remotely instead of physically. It has made it possible for the aforementioned individuals to access information any time, anywhere, for almost no cost. This means that, in this day and age, scientists and researchers can enhance their projects, experiments and research by using existing data.


These days, many educational institutions, as well as individuals and research organizations, are posting their findings and experimental results online. Many of these publications are available free of charge, and some are even "open source" - i.e., they can be cited and distributed freely. Publications available on the public domain are popular with students, as well as with scientists and researchers, and many are accurate and comprehensive. Collaborative efforts, executed through the use of modern collaboration and networking technologies such as Skype and LinkedIn, have also yielded scientific findings.


One example of the aforementioned is the Open Courseware Consortium, which publishes materials from its partner universities online, free of charge. This program enables students and professionals worldwide to access high-quality publications remotely and instantly. Another example of the ubiquity of scientific data online is the immensely-popular internet search engine, Google, through which individuals can easily find online publications pertaining to a wide range of disciplines.


In conclusion, increasing Internet access has solved more problems than it has created, in my opinion. It has enabled a new generation of scientists and researchers, as well as students, to enhance their projects and research.

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